DAYS 1-5

After most sessions, artists will apply a medical-grade bandage (saniderm or second skin) over the tattooed area. For the first three to four days, it is recommended that you leave the bandage on your tattoo, unless the bandage is compromised or peeling up. It is breathable and waterproof, but you will want to avoid fully submerging it in water (showering is okay) and sweating. 


Small pockets of liquid (ink and/or plasma) may form beneath the bandage. This is totally normal. If you feel any discomfort or irritation, or if any soap, sweat, or dirt gets trapped between the bandage and your skin, you can remove the bandage early.


The bandage has a strong adhesive, so remove it slowly. We always recommend taking off the bandage in the shower, and using the water to help remove the adhesive. It can be a bit uncomfortable, so try to remove it as gently as possible. It is usually advised to stretch a corner of the bandage away from the tattoo, and let it pull up slowly.


After removal, use a mild fragrance-free liquid soap to gently cleanse the area. If there is any adhesive still on your skin, it is completely okay— It’ll come off on its own during the next couple of days. After washing, gently pat the tattoo dry with a clean paper towel, or let it air dry, and try not to touch your tattoo with a bath towel. Then, spread a thin layer of a gentle unscented moisturizer over the tattoo. You’ll want to make sure that the layer of moisturizer is thin enough that your tattoo can still breathe. Ask your artist for any product recommendations or healing tips!

DAYS 5-7

Now bandage free, wash and moisturize your new tattoo twice a day - morning and night. As your tattoo heals, it may start to feel tight and itchy. You can apply witch hazel to soothe itching, or gently pat your tattoo with clean, dry hands. Make sure never to scratch your tattoo. In some cases, the tattoo will begin to peel like a sunburn, and bits of color may peel off. This is completely normal and to be expected. As you gently apply moisturizer each day, small bits of peeled skin will naturally roll away under your fingers. Allow it to come off naturally. At this point, exercise is okay. Sweating will not hurt your tattoo. After exercising, wash and pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel and apply moisturizer.


Your tattoo will continue to peel, itch, and visibly heal until about day 14. Each person's body heals differently. Some more quickly, some take an extra few days. The top layers of your skin will naturally settle as the healing process comes to an end and your tattoo will be fully healed. It may take a full 6 weeks to fully settle, but after just 2-3 weeks your skin will feel like it’s normal self. We always recommend applying SPF after the first two to three weeks (never apply SPF to open skin).